Personal Details

Enter your last name exactly as shown in your passport
Enter your First and Middle Name as shown in your passport
Ensure that the full name given below (includes any middle names) is in English and matches exactly the name in your passsport.

Enter your City or State of Birth as shown in your passport

Passport Details

Provide details of the passport that you will use to enter Canada. Enter these details exactly as they appear in your passport.

No ETA Required

Based on your answers, for the purpose of your current travel, you do not need an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) to visit Canada.

However, make sure to carry proper travel documents and identification for yourself and any children travelling with you.

As part of recent changes to Canada eTA program, U.S. green card holders or lawful permanent resident of the United States (U.S.), no longer  need Canada eTA.

Documents you'll need when you travel

Air travel

At check-in, you'll need to show airline staff proof of your valid status as a permanent resident of the U.S. 

All methods of travel

When you arrive in Canada, a border services officer will ask to see your passport and proof of your valid status as a permanent resident of the U.S. or other documents.

When you travel, make sure to bring

- a valid passport from your country of nationality

- proof of your status as a permanent resident of the U.S., such as a valid green card (officially known as a permanent resident card)

Eligibility Details

U.S. nonimmigrant visa number is the number located in the bottom right corner of your document in red font. This will be validated with the United States Government.

NoT Eligible For ETA

Based on your answers, for the purpose of your current travel, you are not eligible for Canada eTA.

However you may be eligible for a regular visa to visit Canada. Learn more about Canada Entry Requirements by country

Address & Contact Details

Enter your permanent home address

Travel Details

Parent/Guardian Details

You must be at least 18 years of age to apply or apply on behalf of someone.

A parent/guardian needs to complete the additional questions.

Employment Details

Declaration by Applicant